I wish I posted daily on this blog. I definitely have to post more often than I do. Things are happening so fast that I want to store away every memory. I feel like I take progress for granted. I think as a parent it is so easy to get caught up in now and what is to come and forget where you once were. I had a flash today of Ozzy and me getting teary eyed when Sofie was able to follow the simple direction of "put this in the box." We were so excited because she was able to hear the direction and follow it without being right next to the box. We were amazed and in awe of this seemingly simply act. It's so easy to forget. Now I can say "Sofie would you like some milk?" and she runs with a big smile to the kitchen, straight to the bottle rack eyeing the refrigerator. She is doing so well. I don't want to get caught up in what she's not doing. I think those thoughts cloud your mind and make it hard to recall the magic of her firsts. Ozzy and I couldn't be any prouder of her. She is working so hard in therapy. There is so much to celebrate. Lately she has been saying "I-deh-id" after she does something she is proud of ("I did it"). I wouldn't have been able to imagine she would be able to come so far before her second birthday. I wonder what life will be like before her third birthday-but there I go again thinking too much about the future. It's great to hope but I think I need to work on staying in the moment-especially when the moment has so much to think about all on its own.
Yesterday we started a brushing therapy for Sofie. Her new OT suggested the therapy as a way to help Sofie with her sensory seeking and hopefully help her focus more. Its more of a five minute pressure massage with a surgical brush followed up a joint contraction exercise. We have to give her the massage every two hours she is awake. We might see results in four to six weeks. It's a little daunting to have one more activity added to our daily routine but the payoff could be pretty big. It was encouraging tonight when we did the massage that Sofie was very agitated at the beginning but quickly became calm about two minutes in. She had this calm smile throughout the rest of the massage. If for no other reason, that smile is good enough to keep up the massage routine.
I have a lot more to write but I need to shut my brain off for a little bit. It's funny that we are working so hard for Sofie to make sense of her world and that I find myself having to work just as hard to make sense of mine.
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