Thursday, May 9, 2013

Shakin' Things Up: Video Blog Entry

We went to the Pediatrician yesterday for Sofie's 2yr check-up. It was incredibly frustrating. Our pediatrician confirmed what a lot of people have said to me: most GP pediatricians have a scary ignorance about ASD. The doctor actually suggested we put Sofie in pre-school early to get her around kids sooner. Aside from that lovely suggestion (that is impossible to implement by the way), she seemed to have blinders on. Now that she saw "ASD" in Sofie's file she didn't see Sofie anymore-just a walking disability. So dumb. Anyway, instead of wallowing in the negativity I gave myself a project last night when I couldn't sleep. I made a little video to remind myself of the journey Sofie is on and how well she is doing-in spite of ignorant doctors (okay, maybe a little negativity wallowing...but just a little). It felt really good making the video. Our little Super Bubu has a lot to be proud of. And I think our little family and network of support has a lot to be proud of too.

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